Weekly Recap 6/8/2018 Myopic Loss Aversion
by Zach Marsh on Jun 19, 2018
Calibrate Weekly Update
Weekly Recap
S&P 500 +1.53%
10 Yr US Treasury -0.21%
Gold +0.43%
Volatility -9.07%
Myopic Loss Aversion
In behavioral finance Myopic Loss Aversion refers to people’s tendency to forego longer term financial gains because they become overwhelmed by the potential of nearer term losses. Behavioral biases are what keep me up at night. Balancing the absolute desire to invest with the optimum opportunity to maximize gains, but still realizing that the money I invest has an owner, and that owner may have behavioral tendencies that run counter to efforts to optimize outcomes.
Long-term projections for returns only materialize if we hold them for the long term. We intuitively know that we should accept the following wager: Heads win $2000/Tails lose $1000. But behavioral finance has tested this very same scenario and found most people reject this wager. People are twice as sensitive to losses as they are to the prospect of gain. This particular wager has an expected outcome of $500. It should be a wager that one should actually pay money to acquire, yet many reject it because they can’t stand the 50% chance of losing $1000.
The economist Paul Samuelson proposed this same bet to a colleague, Carey Brown, who rejected it, acknowledging his own “loss aversion.” Brown followed up the proposition by stating that he would, however, accept the opportunity to toss the coin 100 times. Richard Thaler recounts this story in his book, Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics. Thaler tells how Samuelson set out to prove the illogical nature of rejecting one bet but accepting 100 bets of the same option. His reason was sound, if it’s good enough to engage in 100 times it is good enough for 1 time. But where Samuelson focused on the illogical nature of desiring 100 bets of something rejected once, Thaler focused instead on the reason he rejected the one bet. Thaler determined the rejector of the bet suffered from “myopic loss aversion,” focusing too much on short term results and losing sight of the longer-term picture. After all, the only way you can take 100 bets is by taking the first.
Currently we are in the process of investigating additional investment strategies, and as we look at back-tested results we are very encouraged by what we find. The back-tests of annual returns prove superior to other growth investments such as S&P 500, both on a return and risk metric. However, as we look over the results on a shorter-term basis, monthly to be precise, there are months in which the returns do not outperform, even months when the returns are negative while the S&P is positive. We all know intuitively that nothing always outperforms, it is noteworthy only because of the impact on our behavioral tendencies. Will investors stick with investments where shorter-term results do not match longer-term expectations. Below is a graph of the returns comparing the investment methodology we are investigating vs SPY (S&P 500 ETF). Portfolio 1 is our beta version portfolio and 2 is SPY.
The graph displays the ability of Portfolio 1 to outperform in “bad” stock market years such as 2001, 2002, 2008. It also illustrates the ability to outperform in “good” years as well. For all intents and purposes, this proposition seems to be a “no-brainer.” However, what happens if we look more myopically. What if we had the misfortune of starting in April of 2004? The column on the left is Portfolio 1 and the column on the right is the S&P 500 ETF.
Looking back at the annual returns for 2004 we see that both portfolios performed nearly identically over the 12 months, but what would the reaction be if our first “coin flip” was April ’04. If we gave up on the investment following the poor performance that month, we would’ve missed out on the dramatic outperformance in the years ahead. Our myopic focus can distort what had proven to be a good wager previously and perhaps lead us to making a poor decision.
Many of us have invested in 401k(s) and have had the challenge of fund selection for our allocation. Typically the performances of the funds are listed. Unfortunately these funds usually list performances beginning with the most recent period, followed by the 3,5, and 10-year performances after. I say it is unfortunate because it would seem to better serve the needs of the investor if the longer-term returns were listed first, so that we would gain better idea of what we should expect, and what will help us meet our objectives.
That's it for this week folks. Thanks for reading. Thanks also to PortfolioVisualizer.com for the above graphs.
Zach and Dave
Calibrate Wealth
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This material does not provide individually tailored investment advice. It has been prepared without
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and/or investments discussed in this material may not be suitable for all investors. Calibrate Wealth
recommends that investors independently evaluate particular investments and
strategies, and encourages investors to seek the advice of a Financial Advisor. The appropriateness of a
particular investment or strategy will depend on an investor’s individual circumstances and objectives.
Investing in commodities entails significant risks. Commodity prices may be affected by a variety of
factors at any time, including but not limited to, (i) changes in supply and demand relationships, (ii)
governmental programs and policies, (iii) national and international political and economic events, war
and terrorist events, (iv) changes in interest and exchange rates, (v) trading activities in commodities
and related contracts, (vi) pestilence, technological change and weather, and (vii) the price volatility of a commodity. In addition, the commodities markets are subject to temporary distortions or other
disruptions due to various factors, including lack of liquidity, participation of speculators and
government intervention.
Foreign currencies may have significant price movements, even within the same day, and any currency
held in an account may lose value against other currencies. Foreign currency exchanges depend on the
relative values of two different currencies and are therefore subject to the risk of fluctuations caused by
a variety of economic and political factors in each of the two relevant countries, as well as global
pressures. These risks include national debt levels, trade deficits and balance of payments, domestic and
foreign interest rates and inflation, global, regional or national political and economic events, monetary
policies of governments and possible government intervention in the currency markets, or other
Options Disclosure
Transactions in options carry a high degree of risk. Purchasers and sellers of options should familiarize themselves with the type of option (i.e. put or call) which they contemplate trading and the associated risks. You should calculate the extent to which the value of the options must increase for your position to become profitable, taking into account the premium and all transaction costs.
The purchaser of options may offset or exercise the options or allow the options to expire. The exercise of an option results either in a cash settlement or in the purchaser acquiring or delivering the underlying interest. If the option is on a future, the purchaser will acquire a futures position with associated liabilities for margin (see the section on Futures above). If the purchased options expire worthless, you will suffer a total loss of your investment which will consist of the option premium plus transaction costs. If you are contemplating purchasing deep-out-of-
the-money options, you should be aware that the chance of such options becoming profitable ordinarily is remote. Selling ("writing" or "granting") an option generally entails considerably greater risk then purchasing options. Although the premium received by the seller is fixed, the seller may sustain a loss well in excess of that amount. The seller will be liable for additional margin to maintain the position if the market moves unfavorably. The seller will also be exposed to the risk of the purchaser exercising the option and the seller will be obligated to either settle the option in cash or to acquire or deliver the underlying interest. If the option is on a future, the seller will acquire a position in a future with associated liabilities for margin (see the section on Futures above). If the option is "covered" by the seller holding a corresponding position in the underlying interest or a future or another option, the risk may be reduced. If the option is not covered, the risk of loss can be unlimited. Certain exchanges in some jurisdictions permit deferred payment of the option premium, exposing the purchaser to liability for margin payments not exceeding the amount of the premium. The purchaser is still subject to the risk of losing the premium and transaction costs. When the option is exercised or expires, the purchaser is responsible for any unpaid premium outstanding at that time.